Delegation Feature Overview

Use the Delegation feature to restrict overall delegation from one role to another and to designate which roles are able to delegate and which roles can receive delegated tasks.

Deltek Workforce enables employees to assign their tasks to another individual or individuals when they are unable to perform those tasks themselves. They can narrow down the list of who does which task by Employee Group and then by individual person. For example, if as a supervisor you went going on vacation for a week, you could delegate your  timesheet approvals to one person and your expense report and expense authorization approvals to another.

General Configuration

You must first decide whether to restrict the delegation for each functional role to a particular functional role (for example, the Primary Supervisor role must delegate to the Backup Supervisor role, the Project Manager role must delegate to the System Administrator role) or whether any functional role can delegate to any other functional role (for example, the Primary Supervisor role can delegate to the Backup Supervisor role, the Primary Administrator role, or the Vice President role).

You restrict delegation by selecting the Restrict Delegation check box on the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen.

Security Roles Configuration

Use the Security Roles screen to decide which employees are allowed to delegate.  Select the Allow Delegation check box to give employees with this security role the ability to delegate tasks. A Delegation button will appear on the employees' desktops, which they can use to:

  • Add delegations.
  • Change Start Date and End Date information on existing delegations.
  • Activate or deactivate existing delegations.

    If the employee has active delegations, the Delegation (Active) button appears  If the employee does not have any delegations set up or if all delegations are inactive, then the Delegation (Inactive) button appears.

Functional Roles Configuration

Use the Functional Roles screen to determine which roles can delegate and whether that role will delegate to just one other role or any other role.

  • Allow delegation - Select this check box to allow employees with this functional role the ability to delegate their tasks to another functional role.
  • Functional Role - Use the drop-down list to select the role to which this role can delegate. If the system is configured to require delegation restrictions (as set up on the General Configuration screen), you must make a selection here. Otherwise, this field is optional. If you make a selection, employees with this Functional Role can delegate only to the functional role you select here. If you do not make a selection, employees with this functional role can delegate to any other functional role.